Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sponsor Me! Jasmine, The Million Dollar Dog

Sponsor Me! 
Jasmine - The Million Dollar Dog

Very few things in Jasmine's life have been easy; she came to us when her owner "passed away" - she was underweight, had an obvious skin condition, and greasy-runny stool (we thought she might have giardia and heartworm). She had not been taken care of very well; there were fly bites on her ears, and she may have spent a lot of time outdoors. When her owner passed, she was going to be given away to whoever would take her ... nobody in the family wanted her; but we did. We fought to bring her into GM HART, and while her life has dramatically improved, it still hasn't been easy. 

It seems like everything that can go wrong, does go wrong for poor Jazzy. She has demodex mange and a sensitive tummy, she reacted badly to vaccinations, and her body rejected her sutures from her spay. Today, she had to have a cyst treated at her spay site (where her body was rejecting the dissolvable sutures); she also had a lump on her hind quarter that was growing larger. She was put under and the cyst was treated and the vet removed the growth and sent it out for testing (please send prayers and good vibes that it is not cancerous). 

Jasmine could really use some sponsorship to help cover her medical costs so far, and what she may need coming up! The vet bills have become quite expensive to help this little firecrackers. If you would like to sponsor Jazzy, please go to and click the green DONATE button at the top of the page - ANY little bit helps! 

Once her health is cleared, she would LOVE a FOREVER home of her own! She would do best in a high energy home, and would not mind one bit if she has human or fur siblings! 

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